A Sexy Evolutionary
Practice From the East
Mastered by the concubines of China’s emperors 2,000 years ago as a Taoist bedroom practice, the art of the jade egg or the yoni egg is being activated by an increasing number of women. Carved into an ovoid shape designed to be inserted and held inside the vagina, yoni eggs invigorate the tone of the vaginal walls to amplify feminine health, direct chi upward, and promote overall youthful vigor. Legend says that concubines would exercise with the eggs until their vaginal muscles could pull on an egg threaded with a gold wire attached to the throne—and break the wire. At that stage of mastery they were deemed ready for the emperor—able to give him maximum pleasure while helping him control his ejaculation beyond the point of no return.
While the idea of bearing a polished stone in our vagina may seem unusual, the tradition has been adopted for modern life with increasing numbers of millennials, young moms, and menopausal women having tried it and reaped benefits. In France, where I live, yoni eggs have become a new tendance [fashion] as their use generates an inside glow that is worn on the outside. The eggs are helping my compatriots connect to their feminine core, which exudes that magnetic Je ne sais quoi aura.
What is the yoni? The term comes from Sanskrit and describes more than just the outer part of female sex organs. Universally speaking, the yoni is the seat of feminine creative force and energy—the temple of an inner wisdom. Sadly, at this time in America women are experiencing an epidemic of sexual anorexia. As many as 62.5 million American women report feeling erotically unexpressed. The yoni egg practice provides an old-fashioned natural remedy. Over centuries women have revealed that it has helped them liberate stuck memories, unhealthy energies, and outright traumas painfully stored in this sacred part of the body.
Have you talked to your yoni yet? I sincerely urge you to have a conversation. Ask her what she truly wants. Ask her if she’s okay with the life you are living. Ask, “What type of partners would you prefer? What positions?” There is fundamental wisdom in the yoni; tap into it.
Selecting your yoni egg To choose your yoni egg first set your intention. Buy it from a trustworthy vendor and let your heart and intuition guide you. Ladies, size matters here! At the beginning of your regimen, it is recommended you use a pierced egg with a cotton string for better control. Large eggs are recommended for novices and women who have gone through natural childbirth or whose perinea are looser. Medium-size eggs will fit most sexually active women. Small eggs are recommended for women who have experienced sexual traumas, perhaps resulting in an overly tight vagina. When you master the art of the yoni egg and are able to control internal movements, you will be able to use the small one with small weights attached.

Follow your intuition to select the color and stone that attract you. The stone you choose will help accelerate your evolutionary process. Start with a rose quartz egg if you are looking for self-love, or a smoky quartz egg if you feel overwhelmed. My favorite egg is made of carnelian, a brownish red mineral, as it supports me with loving and joyful energy.
Some will feel a lot of emotions when first holding the stone and inserting it. We each have to discover our own timing depending on our past and lineage. My advice is don’t rush. Explore step by step where the stone takes you. Start using the egg in loving spaces, on your own. Always wash it before. Light a candle, massage yourself. Then insert the egg. Most likely you won’t feel it inside. After the first time it should be able to stay inside when you are standing up; otherwise try lying down. Feel it moving up and down. Start in your bedroom. Then try dancing with it in your house, during meditation, at work. Wear it on a date!
Your practice will evolve with many variations including rituals for the bath, with mirrors, using incantations, in women’s circles, while making love, and much more. For those who practice yoga and meditation or take soulful nature walks, try these with the yoni egg. You will discover an improved sense of presence.
As you discover the power of yoni eggs you will find that some heal, others relax. Some are there to support your sexuality, menopause, or menstrual pains. They easily support younger women to know their own bodies and their sexuality. Of course, for couples it is exciting as libido improves and orgasms go through the roof.
Passing on this information to other women is important. We are rapidly evolving into a more holistic view of ourselves, experiencing our gifts and talents, to support humanity’s evolution at this precious historical juncture.
In the big picture healing our yonis goes beyond just a blossoming personal sex life and magnetism—that is just the start. If the yoni is the seat of creation doesn’t it make sense that we women must heal and release our past stuck traumas and emotions there? Ultimately this will improve our capacity to fulfill our individual and collective dharma—and improve our capacity to become effective stewards of Mother Earth.
Lilou Macé is a French-American author, speaker, and interviewer. Her new book The Yoni Egg: Reveal and Release the Sacred Feminine Within is published by Inner Traditions. InnerTraditions.com. LilouMace.com