Lovers Night

Posted on in Art + Soul by Lloyd Barde


Cover Lovers Night Shastro

Over three decades, multi-instrumentalist Shastro has recorded 15 albums and run his own Malimba Records label, plus taken a 10-year break to deeply immerse himself in Argentine tango and open a Tango Academy on Maui. For this “Love” issue, I’ve chosen his Lovers Night from this exquisite music label. Since recording this album of encompassing beauty, Shastro has also released Satsang; some of his finest prior works include Earth Sutras, Shaman’s Healing, Be the Light, Shanay Mystic Trance, and his classic Tantric Heart.

The slower pacing of Lovers Night has the same sensual qualities as Tantric Heart but invites a more intimate and languid movement in both mind and body. The sultry and seductive sounds of the clarinet are often in the forefront here, heightened by the ever-present romance of Shastro’s guitar, all supported by a tapestry of delicate flute and mysterious rhythms. Next time you need music for a massage, a hot bath, a restorative yoga session, or to share with a partner in intimate moments, this ideal backdrop will deepen the experience.

Besides recording, composing, performing, producing, and supplying the beautiful graphic design, Shastro plays clarinet, guitars, Bansuri flute, and digital instruments. Four lengthy tracks allow fully developed themes, with a musical lovemaking cycle from “Under the Moonlight” to “Letting Go” to the title track, “Lovers Night,” and finally to “Coming Home.”

Shastro was born in Italy and lived for many years on Maui. His unique musical style evolved during frequent visits to Spain, Turkey, Africa, South America, and India inspired by a spiritual search. His music integrates ancient instruments into a compelling contemporary sound. Shastro specializes in music to drift away on—Lovers Night provides beautifully heartwarming listening to inspire intimate feelings.


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