Jeromy Johnson – Common Ground Magazine A Magazine for Conscious Community Sat, 07 Aug 2021 13:34:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Are “Smart Cities” Green Cities? Sat, 01 Apr 2017 07:52:00 +0000 BY JEROMY JOHNSON

City planners across the country are beginning to implement the so-called “smart city.” The city of the not-to-distant future will include 5G wireless antennas on most utility poles, “Internet of things” sensors attached to everything, and self-driving vehicles whisking us from place to place.

We are told that the wireless smart city will bring us into a sustainable future of ease and convenience. However, cracks are appearing in this utopian vision. At the very time that the smart city is being rolled out, our best science now shows how detrimental wireless technology can be to our health. Can this new development really be considered “green” if it is ultimately harmful to our health?

Smart City Picture

What Is 5G?

5G refers to “5th generation” wireless technology. Our devices currently run on 3G and 4G technology, which use a limited range of the microwave spectrum. 5G will greatly expand the amount of spectrum used and will include high frequencies that have never been used before in consumer devices. These high frequencies, between 14 GHz and 73 GHz, do not travel as far or penetrate building as easily. However, they will allow for much greater download speeds. This will enable 5G devices to download a movie in a few seconds and will allow companies like AT&T to deliver cable programming wirelessly, rather than via a cable.

The biggest issue with 5G is that wireless antennas will be placed on most light and utility poles within our neighborhoods. It is estimated that the 5G network will require each of the four major wireless carriers to install one million new antennas. This will exponentially increase the amount of microwave radiation in our communities, creating an electromagnetic environment unlike anything humans have ever encountered.

“Internet of Things”

The lower frequencies in the 5G spectrum will allow wireless companies to reach any “smart” device that can be connected to the Internet. This will potentially allow cities to better control infrastructure, which can benefit society. However, this technology will also come into our homes. Wireless toothbrushes, coffeemakers, toasters, thermostats, and security systems are what make up the smart home. Corporations tout potential environmental benefits and the convenience of running every aspect of your home from a smartphone. However, can any convenience really be worth the health impact of flooding your home with microwave radiation?

Self-Driving Vehicles

The self-driving car is a major component of the smart city. The promise of autonomous cars is that people will be chauffeured by artificial intelligence on wheels while they sit back and watch 5G videos. This technology may also reduce accidents, but there is a major downside for society. Self-driving cars require several types of wireless technology to operate. They include Lidar, radar, DSRC, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, infrared, and 4G/5G cellular connections. The truth is that self-driving cars will bathe passengers and nearby residents in microwave radiation. As you will now see, the health impact of this technology may outweigh any benefits from self-driving cars and other elements of the smart city.

Health Impact of Microwave Technologies

Scientific developments over the past few years have completely upended our safety regulations for wireless technology. It has always been assumed that if microwave radiation does not heat you, it can’t possibly hurt you. However, our best science now shows this to be false.

The most important research to do this is the $25 million National Toxicology Program (NTP) study. This federal government study was designed to prove, once and for all, that cell phone radiation is safe. Instead, it showed that 2G cell phone radiation causes brain cancer and DNA damage in rats. This study is the gold standard of science and the results were so surprising that researchers released preliminary findings early so that we could start to make better decisions.

In the coming years, there must be a change in public policy (like there once was with tobacco) if we are to have a sustainable society. To this end, the American Cancer Society has said that the NTP results mark a “paradigm shift in our understanding of radiation and cancer risk.” We are also starting to see medical organizations around the world, such as the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), issue guidelines for reduced wireless exposure for children.

Furthermore, while cancer risk is important, it is not even the primary risk with electromagnetic field (EMF) pollution. If you search “EMF science” you will find abundant research that shows sperm damage and negative effects on immune, endocrine, cardiac, and nervous system functioning. This is why many people are now experiencing symptoms, such as headaches, tinnitus, and sleep disturbance, when overexposed to wireless technology.

While the mainstream medical community is not yet acknowledging this problem, many doctors are now well aware that people are being affected and are advising their patients to avoid excess EMF pollution. Often, this is a primary solution to help their patients heal.

Solutions You Can
Implement Today

The good thing about this issue is that there are solutions—both at the personal and community level. You should encourage your city leaders to delay implementing smart city technology until the science is settled. This will ultimately be more wise and economical than dismantling expensive equipment in the future. And, if a wireless company wants to install an antenna on a light pole near your home, band together with your neighbors to protest the placement. A community working together is more powerful than any wireless company.

measuring devices

On a personal level, here are key solutions that will help you use technology more safely:

» Be wise how you use your smartphone. The owner’s manual now warns you never to put the phone within ½” to 1″ of your body. Never put the phone to your head, or in a bra strap or your pants pocket unless it is turned off or in Airplane Mode. For calls, use the speakerphone feature or a headset.

» Avoid Bluetooth headsets. They are powerful microwave transmitters right next to your brain. The phone is also radiating in your pocket, near reproductive organs. When at the gym, use an iPod with a wired headset.

» Move toward wired technology at home. Ethernet and a wired router are the healthiest option for Internet and TV use. I use a combination of fiber optics and Ethernet in my home. If you must use Wi-Fi, put the router on a timer so that it is off at night. At night, you want to reduce or eliminate exposure to blue light and EMF pollution.

» Eliminate cordless phones and wireless baby monitors from your home. Wired landline phones are the healthiest option for long calls. Search “safe baby monitor” to find a good option online.

» Request an analog meter from your utility company. In California, nearly 100,000 families have switched back to analog meters because of the health and privacy risks associated with wireless smart meters.

» Demand that your child’s school utilize wired Internet access. Many forward-thinking parents are now working to make schools safer by eliminating Wi-Fi. A growing number of schools are going back to wired computing, which is actually the future.

» Measure your home for EMF pollution. With a few measurement devices or the help of a professional consultant, you can learn what is happening within your home and make a few changes that will greatly reduce your EMF exposure.

The coming years will likely see an expansion in wireless technology with the development of smart cities. However, with what science shows us, we can no longer consider wireless technology a “green” solution. Society will eventually have to balance the benefits and risks of technology. Hopefully, the above solutions will help you navigate this transition so that you and your family can use technology in a healthier way.

Jeromy Johnson has an advanced degree in engineering and worked in Silicon Valley for nearly two decades. You can watch his TEDx talk “Wireless Wake-up Call” online.

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Understanding EMFs Fri, 01 Apr 2016 12:23:00 +0000 How to Create a Healthy Home


Many families throughout the Bay Area do their best to create healthy, environmentally sustainable homes. They buy organic, non-GMO foods; use a highquality water filter, and avoid chemicals, plastics, and pesticides.

Another very important aspect of a healthy home just beginning to get the attention it deserves is the electromagnetic component. Even if your family covers all the bases above, your health can still be compromised if you are constantly being exposed to high levels of electromagnetic field (EMF) pollution.

At the deepest levels of biology, your body is electric. Every cell in your body communicates using tiny electric signaling. This is how your nervous system operates. Small changes in the polarization of your cell walls can also lead to significant chemical changes within your body. If you are constantly exposed to high levels of EMF pollution, your health can eventually be compromised — even if you do everything else right.

I recently had the opportunity to present this information in a TED talk at TEDx Berkeley. In the talk, which was called “Wireless Wake-Up Call,” I showed why paying attention to EMF pollution is important for everyone, especially children. I also explained that there are many solutions, particularly when it comes to wireless technology.

In this article, I want to take this topic a step further and explain the four types of EMFs that you may encounter in your home. By determining if you have high electromagnetic fields in your home, you can then take a few steps to reduce or eliminate this form of pollution. You can measure each of these EMFs yourself with the proper meters or have a professional come to your home. Once the corrections are made, your home will be much healthier for you and your family.

Here are the four types of EMFs:

Microwave radiation: Emanating from our beloved wireless technology, small doses may be okay, but our exposure has grown exponentially in the past decade. This is unprecedented for humanity, and many people now experience poor quality sleep, tinnitus, and headaches when exposed to wireless technology. So turn off your Wi-Fi and wireless devices when not in use and opt out of “smart” meters and the “smart” home. Look to eliminate cordless phones and wireless baby monitors as well. Our best hope for a healthy future is in fiber optics and wired Internet. I encourage you to join many forward-thinking families who have already gone the wired route.

Magnetic fields: If your home has electrical wiring errors, older wiring, or is located near a major powerline, magnetic fields may be elevated. Most homes have two to three wiring errors that can be easily fixed by a qualified electrician. Magnetic fields that cannot be eliminated can often be shielded with special material. This type of EMF pollution is very important to reduce because high fields (over 2.0 milligauss) have been linked to illnesses such as childhood leukemia.

Electric fields: This type of EMF pollution comes from unshielded electrical wiring such as standard Romex. If your bedrooms have high electric fields, sleep quality can be diminished and overall health may decline over time. The primary solution is to turn off the circuit breakers to your bedroom while you sleep. If you are remodeling or building a new home, then you should install MC cable, which is metal-clad shielded wiring that will reduce the electric fields by approximately 90%.

Dirty electricity: Items such as solar inverters, CFL and LED lighting, dimmer switches, and smart meters will cause “dirty” electricity. These items put additional frequencies on your 60 Hz electrical wiring. These extra frequencies then radiate into your living environment and can cause headaches, fatigue, brain fog, and serious illnesses over time. There are ways to partially filter this type of EMF pollution, but the best solution is to limit the use of items that create dirty electricity in the first place.

With new research coming out every month about how electromagnetic fields affect our health, one of the wisest things you can do for your family is to have a home with low EMF pollution. Limiting EMF pollution is truly a leading edge of the health and sustainability movements and will only become more important in the coming years.

The good thing is that it is becoming much easier to make your home healthy from an EMF perspective, and it often takes just a few changes to accomplish. Valuable information is available online if you want to do it yourself, plus there are many qualified EMF consultants who can help. If you would like to have a professional measure your home, feel free to contact me, and I will recommend someone in your area.

My hope is that with a few small changes, you and your family will have a truly healthy home for decades to come.

Jeromy Johnson has an advanced degree in civil engineering; his website helps families reduce their exposure to EMF pollution. He is the author of How to Find a Healthy Home, and every parent should watch his recent TED talk, “Wireless Wake-Up Call.”

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EMFs and Your Health Wed, 01 Apr 2015 06:39:00 +0000 How to Use Technology Safely


When it comes to electromagnetic fields (EMFs), you are probably thinking, “Oh great, another thing to worry about.” You likely already steer clear of GMOs, sugar, processed foods, pesticides, and chemicals and have legitimate questions about the safety of vaccination protocols. However, the EMF topic is typically the last straw for people. They don’t want to give up their iPhone, and they don’t want to hear that the technology we all love and utilize has a tremendous downside.

This is why I am not going to focus on the downside here. The independent research is clear that we have a big problem on our hands, and forward-thinking parents around the world are waking up to this reality. However, bad news doesn’t put us into action. Instead, I want to help you create a healthy relationship with technology. If you and your children develop some simple habits when it comes to technology, then you should never have to worry about EMFs.

Here are the basic steps that will help every family.

Never Put a Cell Phone
to Your Head Again.

Your smartphone owner’s manual even states this somewhere around page 36 in very fine print. Instead, use an “airtube” headset or the speakerphone feature. Also, keep your phone in airplane mode when you have it on your body, like in your pants pocket, and turn the 4G/3G data functions off when you are not using them. Otherwise, the phone is radiating every few seconds next to important organs.

Move Away from Wi-Fi.

I know many families who no longer use Wi-Fi in their homes. You can simply run Ethernet cables to your computers. It’s faster, more secure, and safer. If you must use Wi-Fi for certain devices, then use it sparingly when you are downloading something (like an educational program). Be sure to at least turn it off at night. You can program your router to do this or simply plug the router into a Christmas light timer to turn it off during certain hours.

Turn Off the Airport/
Wireless Functions.

If you are reading something on your Kindle or iPad and the airport/wireless function is still on, then your device is unnecessarily radiating every few seconds. You can still use these devices. Just download what you need while the device is connected to the Internet and then read or watch the material offline. This is a great way to reduce the amount of microwave radiation you and your kids are exposed to.

Use a Wired Baby Monitor.

Wireless baby monitors bathe newborns in pulsed digital microwave radiation. This is not a good idea! On my website, I discuss a wired baby monitor that is much safer and has all the functionality you need.

Get a Safer Home Phone.

The biggest source of EMF pollution in many homes is often a cordless DECT phone. The simple solution to this is a basic wired phone, which you can get for less than $15. If you require the functionality of a cordless phone, then go with the Siemens Gigaset cordless phone, which will only radiate when you are talking, rather than 24/7.

“Smart” Is Not Wise.

By now you have probably heard about the corporate push toward “smart homes.” This is part of the “Internet of Things,” which is basically a microwave surveillance system for our society. Wireless “smart” meters are the first phase of this system. The next stage is wireless smart appliances, Nest Thermostats, and Xfinity Wi-Fi systems. The smart home is an example of technology overreach. It is something we simply don’t need. Furthermore, these systems will fill your home with exponentially more microwave radiation. I have already had families throughout the United States contact me who have become ill from these systems. These are wealthy people who love technology and are early adopters, but too much microwave radiation made their entire family sick. Don’t let this happen to your family.

Measure Your Home.

Once you make some basic shifts to how you use technology, then it is usually wise to measure your home for electromagnetic fields. There could be basic wiring errors or other sources of EMF pollution, both inside and outside of your home, which could be easily remediated. For example, a common solution if you live next to a cell phone tower is a bed canopy for your children.

Let’s Get Wi-Fi Out of Schools.

Outside of your home, the most important place to have a low-EMF environment is your child’s school. This will be the first generation ever to spend six to eight hours each day for years bathed in Wi-Fi. This development is only a few years old and will eventually be rolled back. France recently initiated steps to do this, and parents around the world are stopping Wi-Fi from being in their children’s schools. Raise awareness with other parents in your school district. You can and will stop this because wired solutions are so much better than wireless. Your kids can and should have incredible wired technology.

Congratulations! You now have the basic steps to use technology safely. As you can see, it’s not about going back to the Dark Ages. It’s about using the amazing tools that we now have at our disposal in a way that does not harm your family’s health. Most parents are not paying attention to this issue yet, so thank you in advance for being a trendsetter! Let’s be mindful about our exposure to EMFs and thereby ensure a society that is both wired and healthy.

Jeromy Johnson runs a leading EMF website that helps families find solutions to reduce electromagnetic pollution in their lives. He has an advanced degree in civil and environmental engineering and has worked in Silicon Valley for 15 years.

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