Magazine cover of "common ground" featuring a close-up of a golden satin fabric with text highlighting topics on intimacy and relationships.

February 2010

Happy Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day! We love the sound of these words. Another couple words we love are Common Ground. Other good ones from this Sex issue: Sacred Sex, Initiating Sex, Slow Sex, Transcendent Sex, College Sex, Sex Positive, Love Play, Second Chakra, Wild Attraction … and so on. Needless to say, we’ve enjoyed gathering juicy stories for February, and we’re quite pleased with the outcome. We suspect you too will find it most enticing —in an elevated way, of course.

In pulling together this issue, it struck me that while we collectively focus on conscious ambitions such as ending war, restoring the environment, or working toward social justice, we’re all in one way or another stuck to our own “sex issues.” Here we are trapped in these bodies, complete with hormones and urges. And if that weren’t challenging enough, we’re bolted to our minds, awash with fantasies and complexes, latent and blatant. While we strive in great earnestness to awaken the upper chakras, it seems wise to acknowledge and integrate our pelvic floor. Who are we kidding?

I like the quote from Saint Theresa of Avila, who lived in Spain in the 16th century: “Any real ecstasy is a sign you are moving in the right direction; don’t let any prude tell you otherwise.”

So I hope you enjoy our Sex issue; may it help awaken our highest Lovesexy
potential on Valentine’s Day and every day. The next issues will be more focused on current events. Forthcoming themes are Food and Family (March) and Earth Day/Green (April).

We love to hear from you, so please send queries and feedback to Common
[email protected]
or [email protected].

In the meantime, happy new year! Let’s dig out of this recession together. There’s talk of light at the end of the tunnel; here’s hoping.

As ever, the best way to show your support for this free magazine is to patronize its advertisers.

Finally, let’s send prayers and checks to Haiti and remember to be grateful for all we have here by the bay.

Many blessings,


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