Cover of November 2011 "Common Ground" magazine featuring a close-up image of a green, moss-covered stone sculpture with intricate details. Text highlights include featured articles and anniversary note

November 2011

37th Anniversary Issue:
Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise

Last year at this time, I was hastily composing a poem instead of my usual publisher’s letter. The poem paid homage to the SF Giants, who had won the World Series. SF was in a state of jubilation, with Justin Herman Plaza the launching point of an unforgettable ticker-tape parade. Twelve months later, the plaza is occupied by angry protesters. Ironically, the ticker tape, the iconic register of Wall Street trading, is symbolically in the crosshairs of the occupiers’ scorn. In this issue, we have two poems about the Occupy movement, which is all the news.

We live in interesting times, my friends. For Common Ground’s 37th anniversary, we’ve chronicled some aspects of the health, wealth, and wisdom theme. For starters, we’ve gathered awesome photos featuring yoga in the slums of Africa. Those will no doubt prompt an internal dialogue about health, wealth, and wisdom. Bravo to Paige Elenson, Baron Baptiste, and Todd and Meghann Beer of the Africa Yoga Project.

We have an interview with Patch Adams, whom I met last month. You’ve likely seen the namesake hit movie; now take a moment to get to know the real man. He deeply cherishes the values of compassion and friendship above name and fame. He’s a true free thinker and a courageous nonconformist far ahead of his time. Consider helping his mission, the Gesundheit! Institute. He’s been pushing against the grain for 40 years to fulfill his ideal of a free hospital; his project needs support.

Harville Hendrix contributed to this issue. He knows a thing or two about interpersonal relationships. We also have articles about the Slow Money movement, the wisdom of your face, the importance of nourishing young neurons, cultivating personal power, finding life purpose, and much more.

Wasn’t October another whirlwind? Chock-full of wonderful conferences, yoga, and film festivals. In November we anticipate the 10th anniversary of the Green Festival. Come visit us. Also, there will be a 10th anniversary afterparty on Sunday the 13th, whereby 100 percent of the proceeds shall go toward the medical bills of our friend DJ Cheb I Sabbah, who is fighting cancer. The party will be at 1015 Folsom Street in SF, the venue of many a good Common Ground party.

In the next issue, our Holiday (December-January) edition, we attempt to make some sense of the 2012 phenomenon that has been building up for … all time. Consider placing your ad in this keepsake issue. And don’t forget to patronize our current advertisers, whom we cherish eternally.

Finally, our last words for this, our 37th anniversary:

Occupy Your Heart,


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