October / November 2019 Issue

October / November 2019

Women Issue

Marianne Williamson is an old friend of Common Ground. In 1992, with Oprah’s support, her first book, A Return to Love, based on A Course in Miracles, became a runaway best-seller.

Now she’s the first so-to-speak yogi to bring simple spiritual values to presidential politics. Make no mistake—this is unprecedented, to have such views expressed in the context of the mainstream political estab- lishment. Most readers never dreamed this would occur in their lifetime.

What motivated her? Her lifelong dedication to tikkun olam and the degradation of the current political system, which she likens to legalized bribery. Just like any spiritual yearning to evolve and not devolve—it plainly compelled her. And what is at the root of her political agenda? Motherhood. “Take care of the babies; take care of our home,” she re- peats. It follows from there. We don’t predict Marianne will become the next president but we predict she will have helped mobilize a notori- ously apolitical swath of spiritually focused people—maybe some read- ers—who understandably feel discouraged and disenfranchised. We also predict that she has courageously paved the way for a future brand of awakened spiritual leadership. Here’s hoping. Enjoy our interview.

“Strong Women” is a thought-provoking pictorial with quotes and im- ages. Anna O’Malley is an M.D. based in West Marin whose article “To Tend and Befriend: Oxytocin and the Feminine Call to Counter Climate Change” is timely. Rachael Vaughan has provided a useful primer for cis people to better understand the rapidly changing paradigms of sexual identity. Zoë Brian is a young first-time writer who penned “That’s a Fat Lie: What Diet Culture Tells Us About Fat People. ”

Lilou Macé hails from France and has contributed a clever essay about yoni eggs, explaining why they offer such important health benefits be- yond sexual magnetism. Marie Thouin is French Canadian but lives and studies locally. Her essay “What Is Compersion? Transforming Jealousy and Envy into Joy” explores a relatively new word that has ancient roots in Sanskrit. Carolyn Brown is a longtime Common Ground contributor. We welcome her back with “Mean Girls: From Poison to Nectar,” whose ideas parallel Marie’s.

Meredith Heller writes poetically in “Losing My Innocence: Love’s Forge,” while Mirabai Starr’s “Alchemy of Art: The Vital Connection Be- tween Creativity and Feminine Mysticism” is forever important. You’ll appreciate Rachel Hirschman’s witty advice-filled essay about the im- portance of self-love, particularly if you’re coping with a breakup.

As ever we urge you to support our advertisers, who facilitate this free locally produced independent magazine. And we encourage you to ad- vertise with us too. You are witness to the fact that we reach a strategic audience of thought leaders.

We trust you enjoyed a wonderful summer. We look forward to seeing you at the great events happening this fall. “Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise” is our upcoming theme. Anything we should know?

Take care of the babies; take care of our home.

With gratitude,


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